
The Ultimate Guide to Checking SaskTel Voicemail Without Missing a Beat

The Ultimate Guide to Checking SaskTel Voicemail Without Missing a Beat

The Ultimate Guide to Checking SaskTel Voicemail Without Missing a Beat

SaskTel voicemail is a service that allows you to save and retrieve voice messages. It is a convenient way to stay connected with friends, family, and colleagues, even when you are unable to answer your phone.

There are several ways to check your SaskTel voicemail. You can call your voicemail number, which is *93, from any phone. You can also check your voicemail online by logging in to your MySaskTel account. If you are using a SaskTel smartphone, you can also check your voicemail using the Visual Voicemail app.

Checking your SaskTel voicemail is important because it allows you to stay up-to-date on your messages. You can also use voicemail to manage your messages, such as saving, deleting, or forwarding them. Voicemail can also be a helpful way to keep track of important information, such as phone numbers or appointments.

1. Call your voicemail number

Calling your voicemail number is one of the most direct and convenient ways to check your SaskTel voicemail. When you call 93, you will be prompted to enter your password. Once you have entered your password, you will be able to listen to your messages.

  • Convenience: Calling your voicemail number is a quick and easy way to check your messages. You can do it from any phone, even if you don’t have internet access.
  • Reliability: Calling your voicemail number is a reliable way to check your messages. You don’t have to worry about losing your messages due to a power outage or internet issue.
  • Privacy: Calling your voicemail number is a private way to check your messages. You don’t have to worry about other people accessing your messages, as you would if you were checking your voicemail online.

Overall, calling your voicemail number is a convenient, reliable, and private way to check your SaskTel voicemail. If you need to check your messages quickly and easily, calling *93 is the best option.

2. Check your voicemail online

Checking your voicemail online is another convenient way to check your SaskTel voicemail. To do this, you will need to log in to your MySaskTel account. Once you have logged in, you will be able to see a list of your voicemail messages. You can then click on a message to listen to it.

  • Convenience: Checking your voicemail online is convenient because you can do it from anywhere with an internet connection. You don’t have to be near your phone to check your messages.
  • Accessibility: Checking your voicemail online is accessible because you can do it from any device with an internet connection. You don’t need to have a SaskTel smartphone to check your voicemail online.
  • Organization: Checking your voicemail online is organized because you can see a list of all your voicemail messages in one place. You can also sort your messages by date, sender, or subject.
  • Features: Checking your voicemail online gives you access to a number of features that are not available when you call your voicemail number. For example, you can listen to your messages in slow motion or fast forward, and you can download your messages to your computer.

Overall, checking your voicemail online is a convenient, accessible, organized, and feature-rich way to check your SaskTel voicemail. If you want to have more control over your voicemail messages and access to a wider range of features, checking your voicemail online is the best option.

3. Use the Visual Voicemail app

The Visual Voicemail app is a convenient and feature-rich way to check your SaskTel voicemail. It allows you to see a list of your voicemail messages, listen to them in any order, and manage them easily. The app also includes a number of features that are not available when you check your voicemail by calling your voicemail number or logging in to your MySaskTel account online.

  • Convenience: The Visual Voicemail app is convenient because you can check your voicemail from anywhere with an internet connection. You don’t have to be near your phone to check your messages, and you don’t have to log in to a website.
  • Accessibility: The Visual Voicemail app is accessible because it is available on all SaskTel smartphones. You don’t need to have a specific type of phone or operating system to use the app.
  • Features: The Visual Voicemail app includes a number of features that are not available when you check your voicemail by calling your voicemail number or logging in to your MySaskTel account online. For example, you can listen to your messages in slow motion or fast forward, and you can download your messages to your phone.
  • Customization: The Visual Voicemail app allows you to customize your voicemail settings. For example, you can change the greeting, set up call forwarding, and block unwanted callers.

Overall, the Visual Voicemail app is a convenient, accessible, feature-rich, and customizable way to check your SaskTel voicemail. If you have a SaskTel smartphone, the Visual Voicemail app is the best way to manage your voicemail messages.

4. Manage your messages

Managing your voicemail messages is an important part of staying organized and in control of your communication. SaskTel voicemail allows you to easily save, delete, and forward your messages, giving you the flexibility to manage your voicemail inbox as you see fit.

  • Saving messages: You may want to save a voicemail message for future reference or to listen to it again later. To save a message, simply press the “Save” button while listening to the message. The message will be saved to your voicemail inbox, and you can access it at any time.
  • Deleting messages: Once you have listened to a voicemail message, you can delete it to free up space in your voicemail inbox. To delete a message, simply press the “Delete” button while listening to the message. The message will be permanently deleted from your voicemail inbox.
  • Forwarding messages: You can also forward a voicemail message to another phone number. This can be useful if you want to share a message with someone else or if you want to keep a copy of the message on another device. To forward a message, simply press the “Forward” button while listening to the message. You will be prompted to enter the phone number you want to forward the message to.

By managing your voicemail messages, you can keep your voicemail inbox organized and clutter-free. You can also ensure that you have access to important messages when you need them.

FAQs on How to Check SaskTel Voicemail

This section addresses commonly asked questions and misconceptions surrounding how to check SaskTel voicemail.

Question 1: How do I check my SaskTel voicemail from my phone?

To check your SaskTel voicemail from your phone, simply dial *93. You will be prompted to enter your password. Once you have entered your password, you will be able to listen to your messages.

Question 2: How do I check my SaskTel voicemail online?

To check your SaskTel voicemail online, log in to your MySaskTel account. Once you have logged in, you will be able to see a list of your voicemail messages. You can then click on a message to listen to it.

Question 3: How do I use the Visual Voicemail app to check my SaskTel voicemail?

The Visual Voicemail app is a convenient way to check your SaskTel voicemail from your smartphone. To use the Visual Voicemail app, download the app from the App Store or Google Play. Once you have installed the app, open it and log in with your SaskTel username and password. You will then be able to see a list of your voicemail messages. You can then tap on a message to listen to it.

Question 4: How do I save a SaskTel voicemail message?

To save a SaskTel voicemail message, press the “Save” button while listening to the message. The message will be saved to your voicemail inbox, and you can access it at any time.

Question 5: How do I delete a SaskTel voicemail message?

To delete a SaskTel voicemail message, press the “Delete” button while listening to the message. The message will be permanently deleted from your voicemail inbox.

Question 6: How do I forward a SaskTel voicemail message?

To forward a SaskTel voicemail message, press the “Forward” button while listening to the message. You will be prompted to enter the phone number you want to forward the message to.

By following these simple steps, you can easily check and manage your SaskTel voicemail messages.

For more information, please visit the SaskTel website.

Tips on How to Check SaskTel Voicemail

Checking your SaskTel voicemail is a simple and convenient way to stay connected with friends, family, and colleagues. Here are some tips to help you get the most out of your SaskTel voicemail service:

Tip 1: Check your voicemail regularly.

The sooner you check your voicemail, the sooner you can respond to important messages. You can check your voicemail by calling 93, logging in to your MySaskTel account online, or using the Visual Voicemail app on your SaskTel smartphone.

Tip 2: Set up a custom greeting.

A custom greeting lets callers know who they’ve reached and gives them instructions on how to leave a message. You can record a custom greeting by calling 93 and following the prompts.

Tip 3: Change your voicemail password regularly.

Changing your voicemail password regularly helps to protect your voicemail from unauthorized access. You can change your voicemail password by calling *93 and following the prompts.

Tip 4: Save important messages.

If you receive an important voicemail message, you can save it to your voicemail inbox. This will ensure that you don’t accidentally delete the message. You can save a message by pressing the “Save” button while listening to the message.

Tip 5: Delete old messages.

Once you’ve listened to a voicemail message, you can delete it to free up space in your voicemail inbox. You can delete a message by pressing the “Delete” button while listening to the message.

Tip 6: Forward messages to other phone numbers.

If you want to share a voicemail message with someone else, you can forward it to their phone number. You can forward a message by pressing the “Forward” button while listening to the message.


By following these tips, you can easily check and manage your SaskTel voicemail messages. Voicemail can be a valuable tool for staying connected and managing your communication.


If you have any questions about how to check your SaskTel voicemail, please visit the SaskTel website or contact SaskTel customer service.

Closing Remarks on Checking SaskTel Voicemail

In summary, checking your SaskTel voicemail is a simple and convenient way to stay connected with friends, family, and colleagues. You can check your voicemail by calling *93, logging in to your MySaskTel account online, or using the Visual Voicemail app on your SaskTel smartphone. Once you have checked your voicemail, you can listen to your messages, save them, delete them, forward them, and more.

Voicemail can be a valuable tool for staying organized and managing your communication. By following the tips outlined in this article, you can easily and effectively check and manage your SaskTel voicemail messages.

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